Resources For Educators
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Teaching materials that are relevant to the ROLE Collective, contributed by ROLE members.Infographics
Introductory Content
This resource discusses the implications and consequences of labeling individuals as "native" or "non-native" speakers, and how we can work to remedy this issue. This resource describes how "nativeness" is idealized and leads discriminatory effects in language learning spaces, plus how we can reframe our own approach.This resource is based on Dr. Kamran Khan's keynote at the 1st ROLE Symposium. It explains how language can cause people to be perceived as either “citizens” or “non-citizens” by their government or peers, resulting in social and institutional discrimination. This resource is based on Dr. Lina Hou's keynote at the 1st ROLE Symposium. It summarizes some problems with the concept of “native signer” and how linguists can improve their research practices to build a more equitable and inclusive field.This resource is based on Dr. Wesley Y. Leonard's keynote at the 1st ROLE Symposium. It discusses how settler colonialism impacts who gets to count as Native North American language speakers, and how language reclamation gives power back to the community.
Public-facing Presentations
TED Talk: Who counts as a speaker of a language? | TEDxOhioStateUniversity | Dr. Anna Babel
TED Talk: Why you shouldn’t judge an accent | TEDxUF | Dr. Ethan Kutlu
Playlist: Keynote Presentations | 1st ROLE Symposium
Playlist: Short Presentations | 1st ROLE Symposium
Blogpost: Problematizing the Native Speaker | Contact, Cognition & Change Lab | University of Michigan Students
Blogpost: What does “Native speaker” mean, anyway? | Language Log | Dr. Devin Grammon & Dr. Anna Babel
Essay: On Being a Near-Native Speaker | Anthropology News | Dr. Anna Babel
Example Profiles: 4 Examples of Diverse Language Experience | From the article The Problematic Concept of Native Speaker in Psycholinguistics | Dr. Lauretta Cheng & colleagues
For readings based on academic publications, see our resources for researchers.