Resources For Researchers
▶ Google Scholar Page (updates coming soon!)
Scholarly works produced by ROLE members that align with the ROLE Collective's mission.▶ Zotero Library (coming soon!)
Papers and presentations that are broadly relevant to the ROLE Collective, as identified by ROLE members.Preprints, papers, and resources from related OSF projects, contributed by ROLE members.Infographics
For Linguists
This resource is a 5-step guide for scholars to evaluate the use of language labels in their work. The text contains relevant research citations and the content is summarized in an infographic.For Linguists
For Scientists
This infographic explains to scholars why the concept of “native speakers” hinders science and what can be done instead.For Scientists
Playlist: Keynote Presentations | 1st ROLE Symposium
Playlist: Keynote Q&A | 1st ROLE Symposium
Playlist: Short Presentations | 1st ROLE Symposium
Selected Readings
Selected Readings
Blogpost: What does “Native speaker” mean, anyway? | Language Log | Grammon & Babel (2021)
Policy & Practice Review Article: The Problematic Concept of Native Speaker in Psycholinguistics: Replacing Vague and Harmful Terminology With Inclusive and Accurate Measures | Frontiers in Psychology | Cheng et al. (2021)
For more references, check out the ROLE Collective collections above.