What is “Native-speakerism” in Language Learning?

This infographic describes how "nativeness" is idealized and leads discriminatory effects in language learning spaces, plus how we can reframe our own approach.

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We often assume that “native speakers” are the best at using language.

Idealization and discrimination

“Native speakers” are treated as an imaginary ideal. This “ideal” is tied to how someone looks and sounds

Plus, racial biases influence our judgments of who is a “native speaker.” This leads to discrimination against:

In the language classroom

Students may:

Judging someone as “not good enough” to teach a language because of their race is a form of “native-speakerist” bias.

Reframing our language goals

Instead of “I want to sound like a ‘native speaker,’” try alternatives like “I want to be accepted by the language community.”

Ask yourself


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